Saturday, April 22, 2006

Democracy is the Nemesis of Islam

"It is true, I criticized the Taliban because they were so harsh and
tortured people," Rauf said. "But if you leave Islam, our law says you must be
killed. If Abdul Rahman stood before me right now, I would kill him

But, Democracy will never allow Abdul Rauf to kill Abdul Rashman.

Because, Democracy and Islam are opposites.

Why are Afghans' Uneasy Peace With Democracy?

Afghans are uneasy over democracy, because to majority of the ignorant millions of Muslims, Democracy is an American Creed that is contrary to their own Islamic Creed. Moreover, Democracy is the Christian Crusaders' ideology that is being used to attack and destroy their own religion and ideology. Because, Islam is both a religion and an ideology to all the Muslims and to accept the Western religion and ideology is to reject their own Islam.

They have seen Democracy as the American weapon or an American demon being unleashed against them. Therefore, they won't accept the American system of governance and life.

Democracy is the nemesis of Islam.

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